So, technically I have 3 in school...

I'm doing a Preschool co-op of eight kids with six other moms. Tyler is the age as many of the other kids but I decided to only put Aidan in. Tyler needs a bit more free-range time I think. Sunday school is all he can really handle with being told to sit still. He does miss having Aidan to play with, however. Now on the other hand, Aidan is definitely ready!
So every Tuesday and Thursday for a couple hours he's in "school."

Aidan was ecstatic to go to preschool. 

Practicing name writing. 
Aidan is the one on the corner (in the right of the picture) with the yellow marker, concentrating so hard. What a good student he is.

Snack Time!

The Class
Liam, Aidan, Derek, Henry, Avery, Eva, John, Noah

He LOVED his first day. He's happy to get dressed and ready for school in the morning like the girls. I never have to tell him twice to get ready. Next year he will be in Kindergarten and the year after goes Tyler to Kindergarten. I'll be a day-time empty nester before I know it. Not quite sure I'll always enjoy that but I'll make the best of it. Life's constantly changing right? Hey, I'll get to go volunteer at the schools in the kids classrooms like I've wanted! Time goes fast when we have slow days too. I better make the best of the next two years I have with my boys home.


  1. Preschool is so fun for the pre-k kiddos :) Just a small test of scheduled fun!


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