Fun, Fun, and Fun with Grandparents!

This last week was my turn to teach preschool. On Tuesday only the twins showed up. It was a lot quieter and easier to manage with only four boys! On Thursday I had the entire crew. Letter 'R' was the letter of the week. We went outside to do a Relay Race with a Rock. 
It really was the cutest thing to watch. You could tell it was a new thing for most of them. After a team mate handed the rock to the next person, that person would wait for the next team to be ready to run. Not quite realizing they could take off before the other team. 

A couple weeks ago my boys stayed with their grandma Marcia over night because I had a doctor appointment. After my appointment I went to mom's to spend the day and bring the boys back home with me. They had a lot of fun. 
And bread making is fun for any kid. 

It's almost like playing in the sand. 

Look at that face!! Couldn't be happier.

One evening the girls were experimenting with crazy hair designs. Silly girls!

Last weekend Aunt Bel took Lindsey and Olivia over night and Grandma and Grandpa Morales took Aidan and Tyler over night. Jaime and I decided to go on a double date and asked some friends out to dinner with us. We had such a great time. After dinner we went to the Ritchie's house to visit and play games. Time sure flies when you're having fun. We got home pretty late. 

Saturday Jaime and I did some shopping for a few things we'd been meaning to buy for a while plus some birthday gifts for Lindsey. I met up with Sarah to buy some fabric at Craft Warehouse and Joanne's. We are planning on working on a sewing project together.

That evening we met Bel and Jaime's parents at Hubby's pizza for dinner. It's a total flash back to when I was younger. The owner of Hubby's had also opened up a pizza place in Grandview called Morrie's and these places are identical. Morrie's burned down so it's no longer there. When we go to hubby's, major flashbacks come to my mind. The kids enjoyed playing and I enjoyed my taco pizza!

     Jaime showing Lindsey how to play 

After dinner we loaded the kids up to take them home. But not before grandparents and auntie could ask when the next time they get the kids will be. These lucky kids have so many family members who want to spend time with them. I'm so appreciative of that. I'm grateful for the time it gives Jaime and I. A few days alone every month?! I'll take that over weekly date night. :) I just can't get enough time with Jaime it seems. He's so busy and our kids are so busy that when I get some time with Jaime I feel spoiled. I don't get bored of him! He's my best friend. Truly he is. Love my life!!


  1. WHat fun!! You guys sure have the sweetest family :)

  2. Looks like you all have had a lot of fun spending time with family. Those kids are lucky to have so much family so close by.


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