Happy Birthday Lindsey

We didn't really get to celebrate Lindsey's birthday in the most exciting way. Me not feeling well and Jaime working late, made the day not really centered around Lindsey. We decided to go out for dinner to Texas Roadhouse. It's a sit-down restaurant where all our kids will eat. They don't always suggest McDonald's anymore when we ask where they want to go eat. I personally could pass on McD's any day. The kids mainly like the playground though. Another we've recently found they like is Bob's Burgers and Brew but we skip on the brew! lol The oldest three love steak and ribs. Tyler still sticks to the cheesy mac and cheese however he likes to crack open peanuts and eat them at Texas Roadhouse. 

I love it when they get along so well! We have so much fun hanging out as a family any more. 

Everyone around us sang, cheered and yelled a Texas Roadhouse happy birthday yee haw! She was so cute sitting up there in the saddle not sure if she should be embarrassed or think it was cool. I think the free ice cream helps make up for it. :)

Saturday we had the family birthday celebration…well sort of. Turned out we just celebrated 3 different times. Aunt Bel came at noon to visit and give Lindsey the gifts from Bel, Chris, and Marcus.

Princess Ariel Doll

Marida doll from the movie Brave

Bracelet making kit from the Forever After High dolls. Bel also brought Uncle Marcus's gift even though he couldn't make it. It was a movie. Kind of his M.O. :) Then Bel had to leave. Shortly after she left Grandma and Grandpa Naylor and Great-grandma and Grandpa Noble arrived. 
We had home made pizza and salad for lunch at Lindsey's request. 

Their gift to Lindsey was money. Not tangible yet! They opened up a savings account and will deposit money in it every year. She's pretty happy with the thought of it. She'll be even more happy when the day comes and she can get that money in her hands!

The famous 'Birthday Cake.' She blew all 10 of her candles out in one blow. Hope her wish was a good one!

My mom made a beautiful dress for Lindsey. Apparently Lindsey had been eyeing this burgundy fabric at my mom's so she surprised Lindsey with the dress. Perfect fit!
After they left, a couple hours later Grandma and Grandpa Morales arrived. They announced to Lindsey that they planned on taking her shopping so she could pick out a new bike! Grandpa wanted her to SHOP around. So they went to multiple stores to check out what there was before she decided. She picked the bike she saw at the first store they went to. :) 

After they bought the bike they picked up dinner for everyone and brought it back to the house so we could eat and hang out together. 
It was a wonderful day filled with family through out it all. Lindsey is truly a special girl and deserved the day she got. I love you Lindsey! I love all the hugs you come and give me 'just because.' I love your  desire to learn and read…everything! You have begun to really recognize when you feel the Spirit and I like when you share that with me. Remember those feelings Lindsey! You will need to for future times. I appreciate you writing your testimony in cards and notes to me and family. You have a great understanding of the Plan of Happiness at such a young age and I know it's because the Lord needs you for something. Stay strong in the gospel and what you know to be true my dear Lindsey!
Happy birthday sweet heart. 


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