Preschool wrap up

April 29 and May 1were my last days teaching preschool for the year. Only a few more weeks left for these kids and then they get Summer Break!

W is for Worm. Pudding cups with gummy worms!

W is for Wind. They LOVED this!
I also read a few books that started with W and Wacky Wednesday was one of them. When I finished reading the book I told the kids to check around them the next morning to see if there's anything wacky. Tyler took it so serious!! Wednesday morning he woke up and turned on his light, waking up Aidan. I walked in when I saw the light on and asked what he was doing. He said he was looking for wacky things! I laughed. So cute. I didn't want to disappoint so I went downstairs and put a chair on a table and a shoe on a wall so Olivia jumped in and taped flip flops on walls and was tipping chairs over. So funny. Tyler came downstairs and had fun seeing all the wacky things. 

Thursday we did a bit more of W and then moved on to patterns. This was a lot of fun. Some already knew about AB and ABBA patterns but the others quickly caught on to it as we used colored counting bears. 
Then the best part!! Necklace making with colored pasta!

It was so fun. And they did such a good job making patterns and it wasn't all just AB patterns. Some used all 5 colors and kept the order of the colors in order to maintain a pattern. Some did ABBA too. I know Aidan will miss this every week but he is ready for kindergarten. 


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