The Last Primary Program for Four

Today was the Primary Program. It was Lindsey's last one. I can't believe she will be turning 12 soon and going to Young Women. The program was so sweet. The boys had speaking parts and got them all memorized. No saying it too fast or mumbling. Perfect! Olivia sang a song with her classmates. That girl knows all the words. She has a talent but doesn't like to share it too often. Lindsey sung the 2nd verse of I Know That the Savior Loves Me in a trio of three girls. Little angels singing. :) Jaime is a primary teacher so he was up on the stand with the kids. I sat by myself, thoroughly enjoying the program and feeling the Spirit. It was a wonderful sacrament meeting for me. I just felt like I was beaming as I sat and watched and listened to these children. I feel so blessed!