The First Day of School! It's really here this time!

Many of my friends in the area were saying "School is FINALLY starting!" and "Hallelujah school is starting." To people who read these posts on Facebook it may look like a bunch of moms could hardly wait to get their kids out of the house. That wasn't exactly the case. Everyone was feeling like I was, do we plan for school or plan for some other activity, early to bed or enjoy the evening doing something the friends? because we didn't know if school was starting. Everyone was ready to get in to a schedule and knowing what to expect each day. And that is why the "halleluhjahs" were shouted.

Tyler is starting the Two Way Dual Language program this year.

Aidan is on his second year in the Dual Language program. His teacher is great and told me she expects the kids to only speak in Spanish come November! Neat!

Olivia will miss her 3rd grade teacher immensely, so will I but Liv and her 4th grade teacher are off to a good start already. I'm sure Liv will have a good year. 

This lucky lady gets to stay in the elementary school this year. It's the first year 6th grade is not in middle school to help with overcrowding. I like that she is still in the school half a mile down the road and she's happy that she still has school at 9am and not early like middle school. ;)

I wanted a picture of all of them. Tyler's paper upside down was perfect. After I took the picture he realized it was upside down and begged me to take another one. 

So I did. :) He's a smart kid and I'm excited to see how he progresses throughout the year. The first week was tough on him. All day kinder doesn't really wear him out physically but it does mentally. He has breakdowns now when normally he didn't. If he asks to play on the iPad and I say no the kid loses it! I see him yawning all the time so I know these are all signs he's tired and school is wearing him out. I put him to bed at 7:30pm but he will be up for a good hour before he falls asleep because his body isn't that tired. Hopefully in the next few weeks we will be more accustomed. 

Because I'd been waiting for school to start it actually made sending all four of these cuties off a bit easier. Tyler got a bit teary eyed saying good bye. He's worried about me being home alone. I got a bit teary eyed the night before thinking about them all going off to school but I knew I had to keep it together for Tyler. If he saw me crying before he left for school he wouldn't want to leave!

With all-day kinder this year the bus comes to pick the kids up just outside our neighborhood. I can see the bus drive up. I don't have to worry about them walking the  half mile to the girls school to catch the bus. I was a bit nervous for Tyler to walk it since he can get so side tracked! I wasn't sure he'd make it to the school on time and make the others late. lol Ainzlee lives a few houses down and she walks with the boys to the bus stop. She's in 5th grade this year and also in the dual language program. I like that an older "sister" rides the bus with Aidan and Tyler. 

Waiting for the bus...

Time to load! There go my boys. Tyler was VERY excited to ride the bus but I think that's all he was really excited for. He was excited for school when we went to the school meet and greet on what was supposed to be the night before school but then school was postponed for 2 weeks. Tyler got back in to his thinking that he didn't want to go to school and leave me home. You see, he's my little buddy. I've had a lot of alone time with him last year and I know he will miss it, just like I will. 

After the boys catch the bus the girls leave the house with their neighborhood friends about 10 minutes later. They ride scooters, bikes, rollerblades, or a Ripstick to school. What fun options they have. :)

The girls get home from school and the boys get dropped off about 10 minutes later. The girls walked the 50 or so yards with me to the boys bus stop. All 4 kids had lots to say and papers to show. It was a good first day of the 2015-2016 school year. I have a feeling this year is going to go by fast.


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