Fair Time!
The kids all got free tickets to the fair though the summer reading program at the library so I decided to take them to their first rodeo!

They all thought it was fun! Even Jaime said it was more enjoyable than he thought it'd be. I think we will be going again next year. Keep reading kids! Tickets for this are spendy! I was glad we only had to pay for Jaime and I.
After rodeoing we went through the fair.

Farmer Lindsey

Farmer Aidan

Farmer Tyler

This is such a cool ride. You climb into a plastic ball and then it's filled with air and you just roll around on the water.

Those on the sides can push the balls around.

Tyler and Aidan had a blast. I could seriously use one of these in my house! It keeps them contained and uses up their energy as they run around like gerbils. They'd try and stand up and walk in the ball and then would just fall over.
It was just a fun night to be with my family. Jaime had been gone so much with work I was grateful he was able to come home a bit earlier just to go to the fair with us. I'm not sure I would have enjoyed the fair as much trying to reign in the four on my own. :)
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