End of August

Aidan has such a tiny mouth and all his baby teeth are so close together and tight that as his permanent teeth are growing in they're a little crowded. One of his baby teeth on the bottom was loose but not coming out fast enough for the permanent tooth coming in so the dentist removed it and made room for the baby tooth.
None of my kids had ever had a tooth extraction so I was nervous for him. He was so brave and cute all at the same time. Sitting in that large chair he was cold so I put a blanket on him.

He took it like a champ. Not an "owe" came out. Nothing came out but the tooth. :)

A week later one of his two loose teeth up top came out. It'll only be a matter of days till that other tooth up top comes out. He likes me to pull them out to get them out faster. Makes me wonder if he's trying to save money for something. hahahaha

Kids enjoying popcorn in the evening outside on Grandma Marcia's deck.

It's one of those moments where you think "I love it when my kids all include each other and enjoy being together."

Lindsey and I had a bit of a girls day. I took her to get her hair trimmed and then did some school clothes shopping. (The kid is growing like a weed! Oddly enough she's still a lot shorter than most her age.) We passed a booth in the mall where they were letting kids build a healthy snack treat. She made a butterfly out of celery, cheese spread, pretzels, and chocolate chips. 

Fantasy football!

Chris gets so excited for this and sets it all up. Bel prepares all the snacks for everyone to munch on. It's my first year doing fantasy football. I'm not crossing my fingers I'll do very well. It's all for fun though. 

Jaime was on the front page of the paper. Showing off his new Smart Tables. They're pretty sweet! I want to take the kids some time so they can work on them. Jaime used his budget to get some pretty amazing technology items. Kids get to use 3D computers to disect animals! What!? Yeah they're sweet. 

Kids all had their meet and greet nights at their schools and met their teachers. Tyler doesn't think he's excited for school but he sure was excited to be in his classroom. He hung his backpack up on his hook and sat in his seat. I told him it was time to go and he asked "Don't I get to stay?"

Now, if school would only start. The entire first week of school has been cancelled because teachers are on strike. Teacher Strike 2015 - it's going to be recorded in Pasco's history. The last one was in 1978. 
I'd do more with my kids this week if I wasn't so sick. I've been sick for a week now. Miserable. I don't want to go places and spread my germs or I just feel too yucky to even get up and leave the house. The kids haven't complained. More play time and neighbor time. :) A dear friend brought me dinner tonight. I welcomed it with open arms...mouth? It was so good!


  1. What a brave little guy!! Tooth extractions are always a little scary for me too. And I LOVE fantasy football!! This is my second year. I welcome sundays for another reason now ;). And yay for Jaime! Seriously that is so awesome. And smart tables!!??? Sheesh! We need to move to Paso where they have all the cool stuff ;)


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