Aidan's 7th Birthday

It wasn't long after going to the fair that I became very sick. At first it started with a very sore throat and I was thinking it had to do with the smoke in the air from all the wild fires. Our county advised people to stay indoors because the air quality was so poor. So I thought this is what was causing my sore throat but then more symptoms came on and I just kept getting worse. I was in so much pain and so miserable I finally went in to the dr. I had an ear infection, sinus infection, and possible strep throat but they didn't swab for strep since the antibiotics for the infections would take care of strep if that's what it was. So I was in bed for a long time. I slept a lot, was on meds, went through 4 boxes of Kleenex, almost an entire bottle of Bath and Body Works hand sanitizer, drank lots of water and OJ and felt like I missed my family. It was during the teacher strike so summer break was extended for the kids. I didn't get to take the kids out for extra summer fun. Jaime was still at work and I was in bed. 

So the kids just did their own thing. And they got along great! They played, got their own food most of the time if I was sleeping. I still would get up and help. 

Then I'd lay on the couch and watch the kids and talk to them. I'd listen to the girls practice the piano too. 

Aidan's 7th birthday was September 3rd. I felt bad that I couldn't make him a cake. Jaime got some donuts instead. :)
It doesn't look like he minded having a donut too much does it. :)

It was jut a small quiet party with our family. We gave Aidan the gifts from us. 

Jurassic World toys. This kids loves dinosaurs. With his birthday money from Grandma and Grandpa Naylor he got the box of Legos...

And a new Octonaut set. I was in bed when he came to show me what he picked out. Jaime was good to take him to the store after work so Aidan could spend his birthday money. 
On Saturday September 5th Jaime's parents and sister Bel came to celebrate Aidan's birthday. 

He got more Legos!

More Magformers. He LOVES building with these.

And more Legos!

and since I was still down, only being on medication for a day Aidan got a Dairy Queen ice cream cake. I actually prefer ice cream cakes anyway. hehehe maybe it should be my plan to be sick to have to get ice cream cakes for birthdays instead of having traditional cake. ;) 

Make a wish Sweetheart! I hope your dreams come true Aidan. We love you!


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