Starting the New Year

The kids earned some free tickets to go to Rollarena and had been wanting to go skating during the holiday break. We took them today to go skate. At the beginning there weren't too many people there but the longer we were there it got busier. 

Aidan and Tyler needed a little refresher to get the hang of skating but they did it! Able to get away from the rail and skate without help. 

They play games throughout the skate time and my kids like to participate. Lindsey won the limbo and a name that song, Olivia won name that song (with some help from me saying who was singing the song but they said parents could help!), and Aidan won the dice game. They win skate bucks and then trade them in for a toy of their choice. Tyler didn't win anything this time but Lindsey, the little sweetheart, used some of her own money and bought Tyler a 50 cent toy. 

Blurry pics. They're smiling that's all you need to see. 😁

Later in the evening we went to have a New Year dinner with Darin and Christy. They had made so much food with only her brother and kids visiting them that Darin called us and asked us to come help eat. 😊 The food was delicious, we enjoyed visiting, and all the kids got along well and had fun playing. 

Yep, today was a good start for 2016!


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