
Showing posts from April, 2016

HAAP Awards

Both Lindsey and Olivia were awarded HAAP (Hispanic Academic Achievers Program) Awards this year. It's a long thing to have to sit through but I feel that if we make a big deal out of it and go the kids will be eager to get this award every year by doing well in school. It'd be great for them to get scholarships out of it their senior year. However, it does seem that those Hispanics who get the large scholarships always have some type of domestic trial to beat or are the first in their family to go to college. Things like that.  Lindsey shaking hands. She's in the gray sweater shaking Saundra Hill's (in the black) hand. Olivia in the white top, black pants, shaking hands with Mrs. Whitney. Olivia's first HAAP award Lindsey's second HAAP Award Keep up the good work girls. School is tough but working hard will give you great rewards and benefits. 

McNary National Wildlife Refuge

My fourth field trip of the year was with Aidan today. I have now gone on a field trip with all of my kids this school year. It was one of my goals with having all four kids in school all day this year. Aidan's class went to the McNary National Wildlife Refuge. Aidan was so excited for this trip. He soaked up everything that they were told.  He liked looking at things under the microscope. I think one of his favorites was looking through the microscope at the water samples. He could see all the tiny little animals and organisms moving around in the water. Then he'd draw what he saw in his field notebook. Aidan took this picture of the ducks in the Bird Blind. It's a little shed type building right on the water  where people can go to observe birds.  Writing in his field notebook. :) He liked the fur of the wolf. He learned about animals, birds, and plants that are in our area. One thing he learned that stuck with him is Cheat...

Another Sugery

I went with Chris and Bel to the hospital for her first surgery for her reconstruction. I waited with Chris in the waiting room while they got Bel prepped. He seemed kind of nervous and grateful to have someone to talk to during the wait. We were buzzed when we could go back and be with Bel. We ended up waiting longer than we thought. Bel was getting antsy to get it over with. Plus she hadn't had anything to eat since the night before and here it was after 1:00.  Chris helps keep the moment light with his silliness and joking around.  When it was time for the plastic surgeon to come in and mark up Bel with a marker Chris said good bye. I stayed with Bel till it was time for her to be wheeled into the surgery room. She always has a smile on her face. No matter if she's having a chemo infusion or surgery. She's always happy when anyone comes in to talk with her before anything. This girl truly is amazing. I know it's been rough, tough, and scary, ...

Out with the Fam

Lindsey is in the Marimba band at school. They played for the Tri-City Fever football half-time at a game. I've never been to an indoor football game before so it was a first for us.  When we got there the kids were enthralled with the pregame entertainment.  Revving motorcycles inside! Of course the kids liked it.  A teacher from Jaime's school took a picture of us.  My parents and Jaime's parents came to support Lindsey.  Setting up the marimbas. Lindsey was helping cheer the crowd during the first number. She looks like a teeny cheerleader! It's amazing how I can watch her grow up and then suddenly she seems so grown up! Playing the marimba They did a great job. It was fun spending the evening with our family and watching football. I'll admit, it seemed more like an entertainment show. You could never hear the calls the ref was announcing over the loud speaker because the ann...

They're Amazing!

A slight brag entry...I'm so proud of Jaime and the great work he's done in the school district. He was awarded his THIRD North Star award. He holds the record with the most North Star awards in the district. He's been nominated by different people for his last three jobs in the district. He's definitely good at what he does if it's noticed by that many. And it's good for him to see that others to notice his work because it's easy to feel like it goes unnoticed.  He was so surprised. I love the smile on his face. He looks so happy and thrilled. I'm so glad. He truly deserves it. This year opening the school has really had it's ups and downs and sometimes it seems to have more downs. No one else could do it with such grace and him. He truly does amaze me. And so does this guy! He loves to build things, preferably without instructions. He didn't read the instructions (constructions as Aidan calls them :)) once. He'd work on thi...


There's an elderly couple in our ward who needed some service. Brother Salsbury is currently in the hospital in a coma and dear Sister Salsbury is there by his side. They have family nearby and come from out of town so help take care of her. The best thing we could to do help them was weed their yard. We announced in Relief Society that we were planning on having FHE out at the Salsbury's house to pull weeds and anyone who wanted to come was welcome.  I was really amazed at how many families showed up. And the little kids even pulled weeds! The youth didn't have to be told what to. They grabbed rakes and hoes and gloves and got to work. Lindsey enjoyed working along side some friends. I baked some cookies to take and give out when we were done. The kids got some play time on the trampoline and play structure after they were done working.  And I was glad my kids had a good time because the following Monday we went and pulled weeds at a part-member but in activ...

Palouse Falls

I wanted to do something with the kids during Spring Break. Yes they had a lot of fun with their Grandma but the last part of the week I didn't want them to feel like they just sat around at home. We decided to go to Palouse Falls and hike around and have a picnic.  The kids were all for being outside. It was a perfect day to be outside too. I really dislike selfies. Hahaha. My hair is in that growing out stage. Too short to pull back but too long to look cute like when I had it short.  There's nothing around here. We drove forever in nothing and then suddenly you see this beautiful scene.  We hiked down around the back side of the falls and walked along the river.  You look out far and there's not much but low lying rolling hills. Then you look down and you see an oasis.  I love what's been created for us. It can be hills, mountains, forests, plains,...