There's an elderly couple in our ward who needed some service. Brother Salsbury is currently in the hospital in a coma and dear Sister Salsbury is there by his side. They have family nearby and come from out of town so help take care of her. The best thing we could to do help them was weed their yard. We announced in Relief Society that we were planning on having FHE out at the Salsbury's house to pull weeds and anyone who wanted to come was welcome.
I was really amazed at how many families showed up. And the little kids even pulled weeds!

The youth didn't have to be told what to. They grabbed rakes and hoes and gloves and got to work. Lindsey enjoyed working along side some friends. I baked some cookies to take and give out when we were done. The kids got some play time on the trampoline and play structure after they were done working. And I was glad my kids had a good time because the following Monday we went and pulled weeds at a part-member but in active family's house. She's a teacher at Jaime's school and is pregnant and can't do yard work as she hurt her back. Jaime and her husband have gotten to know each other well. Their home teacher set up the weeding and asked Jaime if we'd like to go. They had a lot of BIG weeds in the unfinished part of their yard. They're ready to get it done and landscaped so that's why they were weeding it. They were big and tall weeds but they were easy to pull so the kids were able to help work as well. I don't do a lot of visible service projects like these so I'm glad that my kids were able to help and be a part of it.
On a side note of service, a friend in our ward lost her cousin to suicide. He was a detective in our county and served for almost 15 years. I feel for the family and him and whatever caused him to feel he had no way out. I didn't recognize the name when I heard someone in our stake had died but when I saw his picture in the news I knew who it was. He and his wife sang in the stake choir and I remember meeting them there. I loved the view of the church with all the police officers around the county and the flag up on the ladder truck from the fire department. I felt an immense amount of love for my family just by seeing this behind my house.
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