Out with the Fam

Lindsey is in the Marimba band at school. They played for the Tri-City Fever football half-time at a game. I've never been to an indoor football game before so it was a first for us. 

When we got there the kids were enthralled with the pregame entertainment. 

Revving motorcycles inside! Of course the kids liked it. 

A teacher from Jaime's school took a picture of us. 

My parents and Jaime's parents came to support Lindsey. 

Setting up the marimbas.

Lindsey was helping cheer the crowd during the first number.

She looks like a teeny cheerleader!

It's amazing how I can watch her grow up and then suddenly she seems so grown up!

Playing the marimba

They did a great job. It was fun spending the evening with our family and watching football. I'll admit, it seemed more like an entertainment show. You could never hear the calls the ref was announcing over the loud speaker because the announcer kept talking and doing games and drawings for the audience. I'd say I prefer "regular" football but it was still kinda fun to watch. 


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