Another Sugery
I went with Chris and Bel to the hospital for her first surgery for her reconstruction. I waited with Chris in the waiting room while they got Bel prepped. He seemed kind of nervous and grateful to have someone to talk to during the wait. We were buzzed when we could go back and be with Bel. We ended up waiting longer than we thought. Bel was getting antsy to get it over with. Plus she hadn't had anything to eat since the night before and here it was after 1:00.
Chris helps keep the moment light with his silliness and joking around.

When it was time for the plastic surgeon to come in and mark up Bel with a marker Chris said good bye. I stayed with Bel till it was time for her to be wheeled into the surgery room.
She always has a smile on her face. No matter if she's having a chemo infusion or surgery. She's always happy when anyone comes in to talk with her before anything. This girl truly is amazing. I know it's been rough, tough, and scary, and even depressing for her but she does her best to push that away and still be happy.

After surgery
This surgery wiped her out. She was so sick afterwards. The narcotics they give during surgery are what makes her sick and we forget to let them know not to give them to her so she could wake up feeling better like after her mastectomy. She got to go home after she finally woke up and was feeling ok. She was happy to not have to stay the night in the hospital. Dr. Vaniver told Bel that she knows she'd rest better in her own bed than in the hospital so if she was doing ok she could go home. Bel was happy for that.
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