Palouse Falls
I wanted to do something with the kids during Spring Break. Yes they had a lot of fun with their Grandma but the last part of the week I didn't want them to feel like they just sat around at home. We decided to go to Palouse Falls and hike around and have a picnic.
The kids were all for being outside. It was a perfect day to be outside too.

I really dislike selfies. Hahaha. My hair is in that growing out stage. Too short to pull back but too long to look cute like when I had it short.

There's nothing around here. We drove forever in nothing and then suddenly you see this beautiful scene.

We hiked down around the back side of the falls and walked along the river.
You look out far and there's not much but low lying rolling hills. Then you look down and you see an oasis.
I love what's been created for us. It can be hills, mountains, forests, plains, lakes, rivers or the ocean. I see the beauty in it all.

The kids did awesome walking around and keeping their balance on the steep rocky slides.

I loved seeing the kids getting along so well. When they pair off and show special interest in one another it helps them grow closer. And it melts my heart to see they love each other as much as I love them.

My babies :)

I like that my kids are all old enough to walk things like this. There were quite a few steep hills to climb up and down and muddy marshy areas to have to rock hop over. I enjoy hearing them talk about what they see as they walk and seeing how they manage themselves over all the rock hopping.

Hiking reveals small caves. I think they could have hung out in there for a while.

I can't believe how grown up she is.

Walking the narrow path.

I made it to the top of the falls.

Just Lindsey and I walked to the edge.

Then I had to turn around and get a picture of the others back at the top.

I enjoyed the view and the sound of the waterfall.

Tyler is fun to watch taking a nature walk and talk with. He has this little spot in my heart. It's hard knowing that my last is as old as he is. I enjoy the moments of when it feels like he's still so young. :)
After the hike we got out lunch out of the car and ate at a picnic table in the shade. I'm happy to say everyone ate what I had packed! That doesn't always happen. It's something small and silly but it sure helped make the day better.

After lunch we drove to Charbonneau State Park. The kids played on the playground for a while then we headed to the water.

What would kids do outside without sticks. 😁

Rock skipping.

Jaime can't help but skip a rock when he's at the water. I guess it's no different when a child wants to go throw rocks in the water.

The kids gathered shells, rocks, and sticks.

Even though it wasn't a productive days as in getting things done, but I'd say today was a productive family day.
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