Grandpa's 90th Birthday Celebration

Mom arranged a huge family birthday party for Grandpa's 90th birthday. Emily and Jeremiah and their kids came, hoping to surprise Mom and Dad but Dad saw on Facebook that Emily was on her way here. They arrived Friday evening in time for dinner. After dinner we went to My Fro Yo for dessert. Darin met us there. After frozen yogurt we came back to the house, put kids to bed then visited. 
This was how we visited while Emily was up putting her kids to bed. I sat there on the couch, trying to talk with them. So I pulled my phone out, Jeremiah laughed thinking all of us would be sitting there looking at our phones. Nope, I got my phone out to take a picture of this. Kind of funny. Sometimes people are looking at something on their phone that they're using to talk about what they're reading on the phone. That doesn't bother me. But this evening I felt like I could have gone to bed and no one would know I'd left. I'm trying to do better at not looking at my phone when others are around. Trying to engage in conversation with those around me. It's sad but that's actually easier said than done. 

Saturday the 19th was Grandpa's party. He had all 6 of his kids there! It was great. We didn't get to have all the cousins there but we did have a good turn out. 

Grandpa cutting his cake. 

Mom had asked everyone to write a letter to Grandpa telling of memories each had to Grandpa. Then she printed all the letters and put them in a binder for Grandpa to keep and read over and over. 

Uncle Dave was sort of the MC. He stood up and told some stories that he remembered. 

Then he handed the book over to Grandpa to have. He feels like it's such a treasure. Because he has a hard time remembering things, as he reads these letters he will probably forgot what he reads and when he reads the letters again it'll be like new to him! :)

Everyone had such a good time. We spent the majority of the day at the church just catching up and visiting with family.

We filled the gym up pretty good! There were over 100 family members here. What a blessing! My heart was filled with joy as I looked around and saw so many here. 

I loved this board of things from Grandpa's birth year. Some of his favorite sayings are on the bottom. The best and most memorable of things he says is "I never had it so good."

My grandpa. He's amazingly healthy and looking good at 90. 

We continued to celebrate Grandpa's birthday with left overs from his party. His birthday is actually on November 21st. Happy Birthday Grandpa! We truly are blessed. I don't know if I want to live to be 90 but I'm so glad he's been around this long so my kids can get to know him. If I live a long time I hope I'm as healthy as Grandpa, then maybe I can know my great grandchildren too. :)


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