Happy Thanksgiving!

We celebrated Thanksgiving at the Morales' home in Grandview. We didn't get to celebrate together last year. Bel was so sick last Thanksgiving. We all have to much to be thankful for this year. I'm so so so thankful Bel is as healthy as she is now. 
Lots of food! Jesse and Christina Palacios (Jaime's Uncle and Aunt) were there,

Aunt Mary, Amy, and Timmy. Amy is sitting behind Timmy, she didn't want to be in the picture. 

After dinner Jesse and Christina and Mary, Amy, and Timmy left. The rest of us played Spanish bingo, watched football, looked at black Friday ads, and visited. 

Chris was sitting with Lindsey and learned about American girl dolls. 

He does such a good job at showing interest in the kids and caring about what they like. 

Bel and Diana

I love this picture. 

The twins!

Me, Bel, Aide

Happy Thanksgiving. I hope my children will think of things they are truly thankful for as they get older. Not a day goes by that I don't have a thought of something that I'm grateful for. I think it's something that comes with age. :)


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