November Weekend for Spending Time

Thursday November 10th was Trimester break day for the school district so the kids didn't have school and Jaime didn't have to work either. Friday was Veteran's Day so the kids had a longer 4-day weekend. Mom didn't get to spend a week with the kids at her house in the summer so she was excited to have them for a few days. I appreciate that Mom drives to my house every week to give the girls piano lessons on Wednesdays. It's a half day of school so she's able to come in the early afternoon for lessons and get home before dark. I'm hoping to find a teacher locally to take the girls to but all I find are teachers with waiting lists, they're moving, they ask for outrageous terms and conditions, or they're in questionable areas where I don't want to be going. So, anyway, on Wednesday Mom came for piano lessons and after lessons she took the kids home with her. I've been trying to get over a cold so having the kids gone let me have a quiet house to rest and not have to worry about anything they would need. Since Jaime was home he was around to take care of me and help with meals. 

Thursday night I was feeling alright. Just kind of congested and Jaime was wanting to get out. One of our favorite things to do together is window shopping. We can go to stores and look around and visit and talk about things we see. Sometimes we buy a little something and sometimes we walk out empty handed. But we still have a good time! So Thursday that's what we did. Walking around Homegoods and we saw this giant mirrored lion. We had fun laughing and walking through the store. 

In in Grandview the kids were having a great time with Grandma Marcia. She took the time to bake something with each of them. 
Tyler got to make cupcakes. 

Cake is his favorite. Look at him licking his lip while pouring the batter. ;)

Aidan got to make his favorite. 


Lindsey and Olivia both made the cookies. They had lots of sweets! I was happy to find out that they didn't eat them all. It looked like they had when I found out all that was left. But some were used for Grandma's book club. But I'm pretty sure my kids had a good portion of all that sugar. 

Lindsey spent some time with her Great grandpa Noble. She told me he would tell her stories about things he'd done. She's has always enjoyed hearing about past stories and events. 

It's kind of tradition to jump in leaves at Grandma's house I think. :) I'm glad they had good weather to be out in it. They got some fresh air and exercise. Burn off all that sugar. Hahaha

She's always up a tree! If we had large established trees in our yard I know where I could find Lindsey. I remember climbing our huge plum tree in our backyard when I was a kid. I loved to climb trees, poles, jungle gyms. I'm bless to never have fallen and broken anything!

Lindsey drove the lawn mower around. I didn't get to do this when I was a kid. :( I had to walk when mowing the lawn when I was a kid. Looks like I just need to let the kids stay at Grandma's more so they can enjoy doing work. When it's done here at our house, the kids don't want to do it. 

Saturday afternoon Bel and I went to see the place Marcus and Aide are going got get married at. Oh yeah! I didn't say they got engaged. :) They're planning their wedding for Memorial Day weekend in May. The venue they're using is an outdoor area in Zillah. I think it's going to be a beautiful wedding. After walking around the property talking to the owner Diana took us out to lunch at El Porton. I enjoy spending time with with Jaime's family. I was glad I was feeling better from my cold. I felt blessed that it was a short lived cold. 


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