Valentine's Day

I'm not really a fan of making Valentine boxes and having it be a class competition. Whatever happened to just stapling cardstock together and decorating it with cut out hearts. Now everyone needs a creative way to make a box then the students vote on their favorites. Then leave it to my kid to wait till the last minute to decide what she wants to do. Oh and guess what, I don't have cardstock or even valentines for her to take to school to hand out!! Being that it's the night before she has to take it I make a late night run to the store to go buy some. They're all out at Target other than some mini mouse which Olivia doesn't want. So I go to Walmart and am able to get some but even the selection was slim there. Jaime is out of town so I feel even more frazzled trying to get this stuff done. Thank goodness Emily came over to help Olivia get her box done. 

Darth Vader

And it does look very cool. Turns out her box was a winner. Way to go Liv!

It wasn't how I would have chosen to do Valentine's day. Jaime out of town, I didn't do a fun themed dinner for the kids. I just lost all ambition for it I guess since my valentine wasn't even here. Maybe next year will be better. 


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