Dad's Stomping Ground

We went to the Jordan River temple open house

All temples are beautiful but one of my favorite parts about going through temple open houses is being able to take my kids to see them. 

After walking through the temple Dad took us to the area he grew up in. A lot has changed from when he was a kid. Even roads he thought were around were gone and replaced with houses. He showed us houses of people he's related to and showed us where he'd catch the school bus. Then he took us to the cemetery to see where relatives lay.

Lee Naylor is my Dad's uncle. 

Dad's aunt and uncle. We got a kick out of her name. Alloween because she was born on Halloween. We looked up her middle name (H.) but it wasn't Halloween. :)

The girls liked getting their family history lesson. 

After the cemetery we went to my cousin Amy's house to change clothes and have lunch. It was very nice of her to host and provide lunch for us. We had a good visit. After lunch we went to Thanksgiving Point to go to the children's museum and dinosaur museum. 

Seeing these giant skeletons still makes it hard to believe something this large roamed the earth. 

Puzzle accomplished!

Giant sea turtles!!

Tyler is a fan of sharks. The megaladon, if it really did exist was one big shark. 

The children's museum had fun hands on learning activities for the kids. 

The ropes course and bridges were a lot of fun. 

Tyler checking out fossils. 

Learning Magic!

They got to see how a green screen works making videos. 

I was surprised the kids stopped for the dress up and stage for so long. 

The girls changed the marquee sign on the "movie theater"
The Greatest Showman

Star Wars (you can tell what their current go to movies are)

Another day we spent going to the Church History Museum

Lindsey could spend an entire day there. She loves learning about church history. 

Tyler lifting the "brass plates" and seeing how heavy they really were.

There are lots of fun interactive learning activities here as well. 

This giant touch screen shows the timeline of the early saints coming from Europe and then traveling to Salt Lake and then showing later saints coming by railroad when it was built. 

Olivia made a pressed image. 

Checking out the mini temple square layout. 

Awww the gift shop. hahahaha This giant magnify glass was fun .

We went to the family history center. Another of Lindsey's favorite things to learn and research. 

Dad showed us his line. 

And then we find the fun activities to play. This program lets you take a picture of yourself and put your face on old pictures. We joked they were our ancestors. 

Aidan and Lindsey  and Olivia

Olivia and Tyler

Olivia, Dad, Lindsey


After a fun day we went for some grub at The Cheesecake Factory. 


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