A Jet Boat Ride at Gold Beach and Swimming at the Chetco River

We spent an afternoon at the Chetco River. We were able to drive right up to the river so we lined up all our cars so we had a great beach to sit and have lunch and snacks throughout the day. 
The water was chilly obviously. It's a river. I'm not one to be excited to swim in cold water especially when it's not very hot outside but I wanted to make the best of our trip and have a good time. So I slowly took my time walking in the water. Then Summer let some boats go down a water "chute" for the boys to catch at the other end of it...but they didn't catch them. haha so I decided to just go for it and get all the way in the water and swam after the boats. 

I got them! Everyone was surprised I got in and went swimming. But like I said, I wanted to have fun. Eventually Jaime, Elizabeth, and mom and dad got in. Brian was in the water in no time. 

Some of the kids spent their time playing with toys on the rocky beach. 

Some of the kids went this rock to climb on and jump into the water. 

There was a little water "chute" of current that was slightly warmer and it'd push up down river if we jumped in the line of it. It was probably the funnest part for us because we'd just sit down in the water and then float down for a while before we'd swim back upriver. 

Once we got out of the water and had lunch the adults decided to stay out. Getting back in would just be too cold. But we were grateful the sun was out!

Maybrie, Emma, Olivia, Tyler

Lindsey and Emma

Jeremiah built a low dam to back up the water to make a pool for Rachel. They just sat their in the water as cute as could be!

After the Chetco we stopped to see the Pacific Ocean. It was windy and pretty chilly. 

But we couldn't drive this far and be a mile from the ocean and not see it! 

Our hotel was across the street from this fishing boat marina. I think the boats are super cute and wanted to walk around looking them with the kids. 

We were supposed to have a hot dog dinner over a camp fire on the beach but it was too windy and cold for us to want to stay out there so we headed to the fire house for a bbq instead. Jeremiah put a movie on that showed on multiple TV screens for the kids. With all the white boards around the room the kids also got to be creative and draw. It kept the kids quiet so the adults could enjoy a nice quiet dinner together. Everyone thought it was a good day. 

The next morning we headed up north to Gold Beach in Oregon for a jet boat ride. 

There was lots of speed, water splashing, and donut spinning. So much that a few had to get off early at the lunch stop to keep from being sea sick. The rest of us continued on up the river for a while longer then when headed back for the lunch stop. After lunch we loaded back up and continued on back down the river. Jeremiah was kind to bring some giant Les Schwab tire bags for some to wear to not get completely soaked. I was one of the ones in a yellow bag. I enjoyed my ride but didn't need to get drenched in water only to freeze minutes later. lol


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