Potter/Morales Reunion

After Time Out For Women and Potter's came over to visit we planned a date to go see them in the summer. They have a cute home in Hayden, Idaho. 
Rides in the trailer kept the kids entertained for a while. The boys spent hours outside "working" in a shed making it a hideout or house for themselves. They actually worked pretty hard and it was a fun little set up. 

We spent a day out at the lake. Took a simple lunch so that we could stay all day. 

Tyler out in the water. Ben had borrowed some canoes as well. Lindsey and I took a row around the lake for a while together. 

Aidan and Camilla

Karilee and Lindsey

Everyone was able to access a tablet to be able to play Risk electronically. If we weren't playing games like this we were playing hands on games. We had a lot of fun catching up, making food together, playing at the lake, and visiting. 


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