Aidan's Birthday

We celebrated Aidan's birthday on Saturday the 1st. We had Jaime's family over and Mel and Tim and Grandpa Noble for Marcus's yummy street tacos. It was a delicious meal. 

Time for presents!
Uncle Chris thought it'd be funny to watch Aidan open a Barbie. hahaha. Aidan was not impressed. 

But he was thrilled with the real gift. 

This boy can not get enough Legos.  He has so many sets. 

Hope your wishes come true!

Labor Day happened to fall on Aidan's birthday so, yay no school for him! Instead we went to celebrate with a fried chicken picnic and swimming at the river. 

He's two handfuls old

Beautiful girls. It was a perfect beautiful day to be out by the water. 

Lindsey was excited to run in to Hailey! Her family thought it was a great day to spend at the river as well. 

Lindsey and Hailey went off on the paddle boards for a while.

Lori and Stuart came with and joined us for lunch and spent the afternoon visiting with us. It was a fun way to spend Aidan's birthday and celebrate the Labor Day holiday. 


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