Last Minute camping trip

Jaime's parents surprised us a couple weeks ago by showing up at our house with a new motorhome that they bought. Gone is the truck and trailer. They wanted to test it out and take it for a weekend trip before fall set in. Off to Clean Elum they went. We were in Yakima at Elizabeth's house to celebrate Jocelyn's first birthday. After lunch we headed to Cle Elum to visit the camp site. 

While we were there dinner time approached so we drove around to find this cute renovated train station made BBQ house.

Marcus and Aide came also so Liandrew was able to be in the picture with his cousins. :)

It was a nice short trip but we had to head back to Pasco to give Lindsey time to get ready for a stake dance. 

It was dress as your favorite decade and she chose to dress in this super cute poodle skirt! My  mom is amazing and was able to whip this puppy up in no time. Lindsey makes one cute sock hop girl! Or sock hopper? lol


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