Veteran's Day Assembly

Aidan was able to be part of the color guard for his Veteran's Day assembly at school.

He was so excited and took it very seriously. He wanted to do it right and made sure the other boys did as well. 

Not only was he part of the color guard but he was one of the narrators for the program as well. 

I loved that he was front an center for the entire program so I could get a good view of him for pictures. 

He loves the music he learns in choir. He had a packet of the songs to practice at home. Let me tell you, he did practice.  :) I love hearing him sing his songs. 

There was a slide show that showed pictures of Vets who had relation to some of the students at the school. 

Aidan's great-grandpa Dean Naylor 

Aidan helped to hold the flags for each branch of the military when the correlating song was sung. 

He's probably the smallest 4th grader up there but he's also the cutest. :)

Grandpa Naylor came to watch Aidan. It was pretty special when my Dad got to see the picture of his dad up on that screen during the slide show. 

His picture was up on a bulletin board in the school hallway. I'm so grateful for my grandfather's service at Pearl Harbor. 

On a side note, my cute little Aidan has a soft spot in Lindsey's heart. I'm not sure how much she knows it or notices but she will let Aidan sit on her, squeeze her arm while their sitting at the dinner table for no reason at all, or he will lay on her while they're reading. 

And while they watch TV. It barely phases Lindsey. It may not seem like much to them but I love to see the friendship they have and how she will take care of Aidan. It's one of those relationships that a mom hopes will always last. 


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