Liandrew's Baptism

We went to support Marcus and attend Liandrew's baptism. An infant baptism in the Catholic church was a new experience for my family. The kids were attentive and reverent but did say they could feel the difference from their baptisms to how this one felt. We referred to the 11th Article of Faith and how it says that we claim the privilege of being able to worship how we may and allow everyone else the same privilege to worship how, where, or what they may. We believe in baptism at the age of 8, the age of accountability. Children younger than that are innocent and don't need to be baptized yet. Aide and Marcus chose to have Liandrew baptized like they've been taught in growing up. We explained to our kids that it was ok. They're trying to live a righteous life the way they know how. They're good people, and a wonderful family. So we're going to support them just as we're grateful for their support in our religious beliefs. 

Such a cute little family!

Love them all so much. 


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