Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving Break is here! We were lucky to have Summer and the kids come stay at our house a few days before Brian came for the holiday. We were able to celebrate Ezra's birthday while he was here. The Christensen's came over to celebrate with us too. 

Adam and Brandi stopped by our house for a couple hours before we met up with the rest of the family to celebrate Grandpa Noble's birthday. We had a good game on to watch. Watching a game with friends and family around always seems like a party for me and makes the game more fun. 

We were able to use the cafeteria at Jaime's school to have pizza and salad for dinner. Emily's family was here, Mel and Tim, Adam and Brandi's family, Lori and Stuart, and our family were all there. 

The kids were able to use the gym to run around and play. It helped mom's house to not be a crowded and noisy place for Grandpa's dinner. Plus it was easier to clean up and there was lots of space for everyone. 

Jaime took some time to sit and hold Ryan.

My turn!

Birthday cakes for Ezra and Grandpa. They share the same birth date. November 21st. 

Having Brian and Summer at our house means we get a little quiet time with Henry after the other kids go to bed. This kid is a character. It was cute to see him lay down by Jaime to watch some TV. 

Maybe and me. My Auntie shirt was given to me by Marcus and Aide for my birthday. :)

We celebrated Thanksgiving by having our main dinner with Jaime's family at Marty and Diana's house. Lindsey took some time to play with Liandrew. 

We always make an effort to go to both houses during the holidays. We went to my parent's to see everyone who was there. And eat again as always. :)

Little Henry used to be my side kick and would come to me all the time. This trip he didn't want to come sit with me so I had to grab him and tickle and kiss him. 

He liked it. Maybe he didn't think he wanted my loves but I know he enjoyed them. 

We sat around the table playing Telestrations. We cracked up laughing till our stomachs and cheeks hurt. 


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