Father's Day 2020

Happy Father's Day to the best father my kids could ever ask for. Very patient and loving and the kids love his humor. They love to play around and joke. Jaime has similar interests in the kids including Transformers, Marvel Universe, cars and others. I'm grateful to have him by my side to parent with. When I think he can't be any more helpful he somehow finds a way to be. His work definitely doesn't go unnoticed. 

It's been years since I've made stuffed French toast so I decided to make it for Jaime for breakfast. I like to dress up the table and use nice dishes for special meals. 

Lindsey's card she made for Jaime was so cute. He is a fun guy. 

I had a good moment with Lindsey today. We've had quite a few lately. I'm not going to pass up these opportunities. She has such a big heart! I love her so much. I can only hope something I say in our conversations will be of some benefit to her as I know she will be on her own before I know it. 



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