2020 Keven Naylor Family Reunion

The reunion was moved to a different location due to the rona...again another impact this covid pandemic has made. Elizabeth put it on and it was supposed to be in Yakima and we were going to go to the water park and other things that she had planned. 

Instead it was moved to Grandview. No one complained though. We were happy to be able to still have it and enjoy grandma's pool.

The reunion was a blast.

Lots of swimming

working on crafts

Elizabeth brought her Cricut machine and other supplies to make reunion t-shirts. The kids had a great time creating and sporting their swag. 


Brian and Summer

Jaime and me

Had outdoor relay games. It was a lot of fun. 

Elizabeth and Malakai

My parents. :)

Lindsey and Henry

Adult swim in the pool

Aidan and Thomas

Aidan and Tyler

Henry having fun on the swing

Madelynn was so fun to be around. 

Ezra enjoying some ice cream!

Lindsey decided to ruin my moment of peaceful floating. lol

We played games. 

We missed those who couldn't make it but loved on those who were there. 
We spent a day on the river swimming, kayaking, and paddle boarding and enjoyed a yummy lunch while there. I was having fun in the water and didn't take any pictures. But I know that everyone had a good time. I'm so glad we didn't let the situation of the times ruin our family time.



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