Uncle Dick Noble

I've struggled the past few days with what to say. How to express my love and feelings for my uncle who passed away unexpectedly. He went in for an operation that was supposed to be minor but due to other complications he didn't make it. He was in a coma for about a week before his family agreed it was time to turn the machines off. Family watched via zoom. It was difficult to see him that way and for his body to stop the slight function that it had.
 The lump in my throat gets big and painful when I try and talk about it. When I think about him I think how he's always so happy to talk to you. (And when I say you I mean YOU! He loves to meet and talk to anyone.) He's excited to know about what you have going on. Always excited to be included in family time. When he moved to Pasco he loved going to watch fireworks on the 4th with my family, or sitting with Jaime and I for the adult session of Stake Conference and then getting Dairy Queen blizzards after. We enjoyed seeing him at my moms for dinners and swimming. 
I'll never forget he came to watch Lindsey pitch her first game in Moses Lake. One thing my kids and I will always remember is getting free ice cream cones from Dairy Queen with Uncle Dick on the first day of Spring. I hate that Covid stole that from us this year. Luckily I got to have lunch with him at Dairy Queen the day h e moved into his new place earlier this year. Do you see the trend? The guy likes Dairy Queen. :) We have a special relationship, as he does with so many because of his golden heart. I'll miss his random text messages that aren't always easy to read. I'll miss his enthusiasm for so many things. But mostly I'll just miss him and be happy he's free from his bodily aches and pains and that he's reunited with others he has missed for so long. 
Until we meet again Uncle Dick, I'll have some ice cream while thinking of you.



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