Closer to Normal

It's the first day of high school in person for this awesome freshman! She's excited and nervous. School isn't every day in person yet. They split all the students in the district up into cohorts. A and B. They go two times a week. It's not regular school by any means but the kids are all so happy to be attending school in person. They've all said it's so much better. Everyone is tired of attending classes online via zoom.

Our kids are all in the B cohort.  Luckily, Olivia has friends in the A cohort who have already gone so they've told her what to expect. I know she will love high school and before I know it I'll be posting her senior pictures!

Masks are still required for school. There's no light at the end of this tunnel. It's now sold as an accessory in every store.You can buy masks to coordinate with your outfit. I know the kids miss seeing each others faces. We can communicate a lot with a smile. I look forward to the day my kids can go to school without a mask on. 



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