Olivia Livia...Happy Birthday

Olivia turns 15 today! She's half way to 30. Whoa! She has grown and matured a lot this past year. She's been so responsible at making sure she stayed on top of her schooling during this time of Covid. She gets her assignments done, attends her zoom classes, and is diligent and studying and getting work done all on her own. She's a high schooler who has never attended class at her school. Her first of in person school is Thursday. Olivia loves to be in contact with friends either via text or in person. She's missed the social interaction that was lost this last year. She's good at keeping her siblings in line and has grown to be a reasonable thinker. She's funny as all get out. I love just chatting with her and soaking up her sense of humor and sarcasm. This girl is missed when she's not around. I love her so much. I feel like everyone should know her. 

She requested crepes for her birthday. They were delicious! 

Must be something good!

She's been wanting a guitar.

She starts lessons next week!


The Young Women in our ward delivered treats and heart attacked our door with hearts saying nice things about Olivia. Happy 15th Birthday Olivia!



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