Patio Reno

We're finally getting the patio done! The cover is about done. It's been a fun process to watch. With the kids having all their school via zoom while they're home it was kind of comical for them to have the construction background noise during their class. Sometimes the microphone would pick up the noise so they'd have to explain to the teacher what the noise was and turn the mic off. Now that the patio cover is about done the next crew has come in and ripped out the old concrete patio.

He took a sledge hammer to the concrete to crack it and then used the tractor to rip up larger pieces and take it out. 

While they were here we figured now is the time to have the front grass strip next to the driveway ripped out and paved because Jaime is wanting to get a truck and that'd be the new parking spot for it. 

Time to pour the concrete 

I went with a stamped and stained design rather than just brushed concrete. Helps to dress up the space and make it more of an outdoor living space. My plan is to get an outdoor seating area and a new table and chairs to be able to eat at. 

Pouring the extension to the driveway. 

So smooth

It's almost done! They'll come and remove the frame then pour the stain and sealant. Then the posts will be wrapped with the bottom "boot" to complete the look. I can hardly wait for it to all be done. 



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