Sweet 16 at 17

Finally! We were able to have Lindsey's 16th birthday party. We do bigger parties for 8th, 12th, and 16th birthdays. Lindsey wanted to do a murder mystery dinner for her 16th birthday. I bought the party package and was feeling a little overwhelmed of how to do everything. I didn't quite understand how it worked. I kept putting off figuring out how to do it all and then the covid pandemic hit and everything shut down. Everyone was told to shelter in place for 6 weeks. Lindsey's birthday was smack dab in the middle of that. So no party celebration, no murder mystery dinner. Needless to say she was so bummed.

While this pandemic still isn't over things have opened up a little and more people are willing to get together so we decided to go ahead and have Lindsey's party. 

The boys went to stay at their Aunt Bel's house since she had the girls over a couple weeks prior. Having them gone made it work well for me. I was able to put all my focus on decorating for murder mystery dinner. It looked so good!

The setting was a 1920'2 Speakeasy club. We borrowed tables and chairs from Jaime's school and I made centerpieces and made decor for the space at the Half Moon Club.  

The guests were emailed their roll and part in the mystery. Everyone was encouraged to dress up. I was impressed with everyone get up. They had a fun time asking questions and getting clues and making accusations. Some got pretty worked up. Made things interesting.

I didn't get a picture of the bar but we had it set up for Italian sodas. They were a big hit and kids came back to make more drinks. 

As it got darker the lights helped set the mood of the club. It looked really cool. 

Morales mafia is what we look like. Laundering money through the Half Moon Club ;)

Lindsey's party crowd. They did a great job getting clues, writing things down and questioning each other.
I bought prizes for certain things. Like whoever was "hot on the trail" got trail mix. Just little punny awards. Lindsey turned out to be the killer! She got a box of cereal with a knife in it. lol

Carina was a great help in explaining how everything was supposed to work. She explained how it all worked and what I needed to send out. After she talked me through stuff it all made a lot more sense to me. But I was so grateful she came to help serve dinner and get things rolling with me. 

The Anderson Gang

We had so much fun. 



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