Spending the Day Having Fun

The next day we filled the day with some shopping at the mall.

Having lunch at Cafe Rio

Food was meant to be enjoyed with people you love to be with. 

We went to the Kroc Center to play and go rock climbing. It's a fun recreational center and gym. We played basketball for a while as we waited our turn to climb. After climbing we played some foosball and kids played on the video Game Center. 

Tyler's working his way up.

Lindsey's quite the natural at it. 




I love doing this. Working my way up to the top. Then trying again with certain color holds to make it a bit more challenging. 

Lindsey's at the top!

Not sure how many times I went up on the different "courses."

Jaime's a great sport. He doesn't like heights and climbing with one hand I'm sure isn't easy. He works his way up a ways that he's comfortable with and then comes back down. Repelling down is pretty fun for everyone. 

After leaving the Kroc Center we went out for dinner at Red Robin. 
 Party of 13! Our families make up quite a long dinner table. :)

Jeremy, Carina, me, Jaime

Carina and I have been friends for a long time. I had a great time with her this week. 



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