My friend Lyndee took our family pictures again. They turned out real well. 

Seriously, Tyler is the cutest! His entire face has always smiled and his eyes sparkling. 

Can't believe this girl is a senior. She will be getting her senior pics later this year as well. This shot right here looks like a good senior photo. 

My kids were all blessed with such great smiles. I love it. 

I'm still amazed at how Olivia has grown into such a responsible, logical young woman. And to this day she still cracks me up. She's hilarious. I wish everyone could see her humor but she tends to hide it sometimes. 

Could she be any cuter?!

Aidan has grown a lot this year. He seems so easy going. Whenever I ask him if he wants this or that he always says he doesn't care or doesn't know. He really easy so easy that sometimes it's hard. LOL. I say it's a yes or no question Aidan. ;)

Such a stud Aidan!!

My favorite is that they all like to be together!

Never have they not wanted to be next to each other in photos or refuse to be in pics with another. Rather they understand they're family and WANT to love and be friends. They get along waaayy more than they don't. Something I do not take for granted and thank Heavenly Father for. 

They know how to have fun just being together. 

These two really are the best of friends and my heart kinda hurts for when Lindsey will graduate because I know they'll miss each other so much. Evenings for Olivia will be tough sometimes when she's missing her best friend. They like to laugh and visit in the evenings after the boys have gone to bed. 

These two couldn't be more opposite but still get along. They have never had the desire and asked to not have to share a room together. I've asked if they'd want to split when Lindsey moves out but they said they want to stay in the same room. I think that's incredible!

Friends forever!

And making great memories while together during this lifetime. 

Sometimes the way he will look at me melts my heart. He's tried to express into words how he feels about me a lot more recently. I've appreciated it. But when I see how he looks at me, sometimes I know he doesn't have the words to truly express his feelings for me. I love him. 

The family that has fun together; stays together. <3



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