Mother's Day

Jaime gave me chocolate covered strawberries for Mother's Day. They were so delicious along side my omelette Jaime made me for breakfast. He was good to make me feel special. 

What would Mother's Day be without pictures with my babies.

They're all such great kids. I've been so blessed. I love each one individually in their own special way. I feel like I have a different soft spot for each one. 

Lindsey had a good time chatting in the hammock and enjoying the sunny weather. 

There was nothing I wanted more than to be a mom. It came so naturally to me, for which I am grateful. Sure I've had things to learn along the way, and there will be many more lessons, but we've learned together. And that's what makes my relationship with each one of my kids so special. We really are friends. My favorite moments are when I can be silly and laugh and dance with my's a regular occurrence around here.  


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