Church at Home Again


With the delta variant of Covid causing a spike in cases church was canceled and back on in the homes. We've been told it's only for a couple weeks. We're really hoping that's the case. 

I had them pick a song to sing. They chose the Star Spangled Banner so we said they need to stand. I think they enjoyed it! :) Church isn't the same at home as at the church building, but it's still spiritual and more personalized. If my children don't remember the lessons that we taught I know that this will be a time they will remember when they're older. I hope it's something that will make them think and realize that we could have easily not done church but we believed that it was still crucial to hold meetings even if it was at home. Because we have a modern prophet who started a new curriculum for home based church lessons that coordinate with in church lessons it was revelation enough for us that God knows what is going on and uses his prophet to lead the church and help us to carry on, especially during a pandemic. I have no doubt that this time has created stronger bonds between my children and I'll be forever grateful for it. It comes at a time not long before Lindsey could be moving out of the house so these bonding experiences will be great memories for everyone.


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