Heading to the Beach Again

Time for the annual coast trip!

This year Lindsey will go a day later with Bel because she had to work. Olivia sure misses Lindsey when she's not around. The kids get to travel in such a nice way. Look at Tyler back there on the bed. haha

The kids have had a blast on the coast. They visited the Maritime Museum. I love that they have such great memories of these yearly trips with their Morales grandparents. They're truly blessed to be loved and spoiled so much. I like to hear their stories of what they did and funny happenings from when they were there.

They spend more time outdoors during this week and most weeks. I love it. And then;  these two girlies are best friends. My heart aches for how they'll feel being apart when Lindsey goes to college. 

Checking out the WWII batteries at Fort Stevens State Park. Tyler enjoyed seeing the cannons. 

They've been playing at the beach, riding bikes, hanging out with cousins, aunts and uncles, and the grandparents. 

I can hardly wait to hear about everything when they get home tonight. They always have hilarious stories about things grandma or grandpa said or did. It makes for year long jokes. :) 
Even after being gone for 10 days the the kids still say it wasn't long enough. haha



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