Go BYU!!


All matchy matchy for the BYU football game!

Everyone looks so great! It was awesome seeing the sea of blue cougar fans and then a few specks of red for Arizona fans. BYU definitely had the home field advantage even if it was in a different state. 

It was kinda cool to go to the Raider's home field at allegiant stadium to watch the cougars play. 

Hanging out with my buddy Henry!

Being at any game in person rather than watching on tv always has a more exciting vibe. I love the hype and excitement. When both school bands performed the half time number and created the united states of America while marching around playing the crowd went wild with pride. I love that opposing teams can still unite...it's America. It's what we do. 

Everyone enjoyed the game. BYU rocked it and took the W. It was so fun being able to be there with my girls and all of Brian's family, Dad, and Emily. 



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