Halloween Fun


Lindsey had a ward Halloween party and she dressed up as a sugar skull. She did such a great job!

She looked so cute. Everyone loved her costume she said. 

Friday evening we drove to Grandview for the family Halloween party. I looked in the back of the car and saw a kind of creepy sight. 😂

Each family was in charge of providing a game and some candy. Lori's family did a which hat ring toss. 

Elizabeth's did eating a donut from a string. It was a fun one to watch everyone do. Especially the race between Grandpa and James. James fit the entire donut in his mouth at once and bit down...was done. He won in an instant while my dad was still taking bites. 😂

We did the Oreo slide. Everyone got two cookies and had to slide them one at a time and get passed the tape to win a prize. If it went off the table they didn't get one. They could get one, two, or three candies based on where their cookie stopped sliding. It was a fun game. 

Monday night the boys dressed up to go out trick or treating with friends. Jaime or I didn't need to go out and walk with anyone this year. It was kind of an odd thought but also kind of nice. Olivia had a halloween party to go to, being a teenager and all. :)
So Jaime and I hung out at home passing out candy until we were out and turned the outside lights off. Then we sat and watched a movie until the kids came home. It was a pretty mellow halloween for us this year. I was grateful to not have a rush of getting somewhere for some activity, like the ward trunk or treat. My kids just weren't interested in going on Wednesday. Tyler was still not eating so he didn't want to go and Aidan and Olivia didn't feel like dressing up. I said I was fine with that so we spent the evening together as a family. 


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