Eli asked Olivia to homecoming by leaving this cute poster and basket of goodies in the dugout before practice one day. 

The week of homecoming has lots of fun activities. Olivia signed up to play powder puff football.

She had a great time! Jaime and I went to the game and watched it from the booth. Kinda nice being out of the rain. Luckily most of the rain had stopped by the time the girls played football but the boys volleyball game was outside and it was just raining!

I'm so glad Olivia has been more involved in school activities. She's participated in other homecoming activities this week and she's had a blast doing it! This is what high school is!

Olivia and Brynlee have so much fun together. 

And this girl loves that her dad is at school with her. I know many kids would hate having their dad be the principal of their school but my girls have always enjoyed it no matter what school they've been at with him. The boys won't have Jaime as a principal until high school but I know that they won't mind it at all.

Date night! Eli made the flowers himself. He did a great job!

She struggled getting is boutonnière on so I ended up doing it. Kinda the norm. lol 

Look how beautiful Olivia is! She's gorgeous in that green. 

She was so excited for this dance. 

I had to get a picture with the beauty of the night. 

And daddy-daughter pics are always a favorite. 

Such a fun group of friends. 

The "C" Crew. They all work at Crumbl Cookies except for Olivia. So they had her step in as Lindsey. 😂 Olivia has applied to work at Crumbl but with no success. Seems her applications aren't seen by any place that she applies to. This girl needs a job!

Carly, Olivia, Brynlee

After pictures the group went to Asher's house for dinner. A few of us mom's contributed to the meal. Olivia said it was all delicious. After dinner they went to the dance till about 10:30 then they went to Parker's house for games, bonfire and treats. She said they had a great time. 


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