Cuddling Koda

Koda has been getting used to the car bit by bit. It's still a bit nerve wracking for him but he enjoys being by me on the ride. 

He new feels comfortable in his kennel. He's not as eager to get out and goes to bed better and better each night. When we tell him it's nigh night time he heads to the kennel most nights. 

Every morning Olivia comes down in the morning and sits on the floor so Koda can crawl into her lap. He will sit there every morning for a few minutes. 

She loves it. 

It gives her a bit of cuddle time with Koda before she has to leave for school. 

Even Aidan can sometimes get some morning cuddles with Koda. 

Bath time!

He looks so tiny!

It's his fluffy water feet look so funny? 😂

And then just a few days before church Koda jumped into the fire-pit in the backyard!

Look at all that soot. We were scrambling to get him clean and dried as much as we could before heading off to church. 

In the evenings Koda winds down around 9:30 and lays around the house. It's a good time to get some snuggles in with him. Look he's already looking bigger!


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