Sweet Waffles She's Seventeen!

We celebrated Olivia's 17th birthday with a waffle bar brunch with her friends since there wasn't school on Monday due to President's day. 

We had the works! Strawberries (fresh and sugar sweetened in juice), raspberries, blueberries, peanut butter, Nutella, syrup, sweetened condensed milk, chocolate chips, whipped cream, and coconut flakes. 

Sooo good!

She had a great time with her friends. 

For dinner we had her favorite dinner dish, chicken broccoli braid. I love Olivia so much. She's got whit, spunk, humor, looks, smarts, and a love for all things soft and cuddly. She's so fun to talk with. Hard to believe she will be turning 18 next year and graduating. It'll be quiet around here when she's gone to college that's for sure. 
Happy birthday Liv Luv!



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