A Week at Mom and Dad's


Every year mom plans a week for us to come in August and swim and have fun theme dinners. As the kids get older it's harder and harder for us to be able to stay an entire week due to their different commitments and activities. This year we had one themed dinner. 
The theme was owls. (excuse the poor landscape photo)

It was super cute and was a very delicious dinner. 

I enjoyed the hot summer days that we got to spend outside and swim. It was different from years past where we had breakfasts out on the deck, early swims, lunch, then another swim and lots of time to lay out by the pool. With Mom and Dad's new diet plans it makes meals different so it's just dinners that seem to be the main attraction. Maybe next summer will be little less going on since Olivia will be graduated and sports won't have started yet and maybe non of the boys will be in leadership. lol I'm just grateful for the times we get together and the memories mom likes to make with our kids. 


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