Yes, this is true.
And yes....this will be our newest addition to the family. You think you're surprised! Just imagine how surprised I was! Big time let me tell you. And in case you are wondering, I am just starting my first week of month number five. Yes, I am in my second trimester already. Hard to believe it's really gone that fast. I haven't been sick at all. It's been very nice. I could easily not know that I was pregnant because I don't feel like I am.
This explains why I haven't been sick. It's a boy. I wasn't sick with Aidan either. I kind of figured it was a boy and this morning confirmed that it was.
Here's the little guy in action.
We got up a little after 6 a.m. and got ready to head to the hospital. My mom showed up at 6:45 to watch the other three at home for us. Thanks Mom! We got to the hospital and you know the rest of the story there...boy. :) Everything looks to be good from what we saw but someone else will look...