Construction on our road!

We've been pretty busy around here. Can you believe it? We took on the project of refinishing our kitchen cabinets. They aren't perfect but they are light years better than what they were. I actually enjoyed the work. It's nice to see the end result of your hard work.
Here's what our kitchen looked like before the work began.

Taking all the doors off...

Look at Marcus working so hard! Thanks for helping us out.

The end result... The drawer pulls aren't on in this picture but they are now. Looks pretty messy still. I hadn't put everything away yet. I'll have to post more pics when I get them taken but I really like the way the island turned out. I painted it a different color. Believe me, my kitchen is NEVER this messy! It's much more put together and orderly now. It's nice to have my kitchen back!


  1. Lisa, it looks great! It's gotta feel so good to finally have it done. :) And don't worry about the kitchen... everyone's kitchen has a little clutter in them. You guys did a awesome job... can't wait to see the island.


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