Change is in the Air

I've decided to paint our family room. It is wood paneling but it's real wood, not that particle/laminate stuff so I'm a bit nervous to do it. But, I've already started priming so I can't turn back now!

This is what our family room looked like before the work began... (the lights you see are only a few months old. Jaime put those in. The old lights were copper cabin it looked to be anyway. I love these new pendant lights.)

And now the priming begins...

I'll post pics when we are all finished...who knows how long that will take me! It's a large room and there are a lot of windows for me to go around. Tedious work really. Jaime hates painting so it's a big job just for me and trying to take care of the kids at the same time. Jaime would help but I do it during the day while he's at work. Maybe this Saturday we can get it all done together. :) cross fingers!!!!


  1. Go Lisa! I'm excited to see what color you picked out. And Jaime's a good husband, he'll help ya'. ;)

  2. We, too, like working together on different home projects. We painted our wood paneling too, but it's the fake stuff you were lucky not to get. We actually got wood filler and did our best to fill in all the cracks. That was a lot of work. And, like you guys, Brandi did it while I was at work too. I only did the finishing touches. And then we painted. But we ended up painting it three times. The first time we didn't realize we got a "flat" paint. Yeah, I'm retarded. So then we picked out a nice we thought. Once we got it up, it was terrible!!! It was at that time we were going through the adoption process with LDS Family Services and were going to be adopting a boy. So we painted the third, and final time, and used red. We modified the theme to work for our little Adalynn. So, even small projects can turn in to BIG projects. :) And we, too, like those lights that Jaime installed. Excellent choice!!!



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