Busy Month!

So September has been a very busy month. It's the time of year that summer ties up it's last warm days and canning season hits full force!

This is how the kids celebrated the first day of Fall!

It still felt like summer.

The boys thought the box was great for them rather than toys.

This is the closest way we get to feeling like we can fly as kids.

Tyler has been playing so hard that nap time could never come soon enough.

Olivia was more than happy to help me with the canning.

I canned around 23 quarts of peaches
19 quarts and 33 pints of grean beans
around 42 quarts of tomatoes and I still have a lot of tomatoes growing!
and I just did two batches of Harvest Soup today.
Ready to have lots of soup for the cold days coming!

Aahh Moon Sand, definitely an outdoor activity.
Lindsey made Mt. St. Helens before and after the eruption.

Nothings more fun than being able to make a mess and it's ok,
if you're a kid. :)

In September we moved Aidan into a big boy twin bed! He loves it and sleeps very well.

We gave away the crib and put my baby in the toddler bed.
Tyler adjusted to a bed easier than most of the others.
I used to sleep with the others during nap time to make sure they'd stay in bed.
(Of course it was a good excuse for me to get a nap in, too.)
Not Tyler, he naps so well.
Now night time, that seems to be the time that he likes to get out of bed two or three times if he's not tired enough. Most nights he goes to bed well though.

Well, I guess that's it for September!


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