Husbands are Great

Jaime had wanted to surprise me with a getaway for my birthday this year. So sweet, right?
Well it just happened to work out that our friend Jeremy asked Jaime if we would want to have a weekend getaway with Jeremy and Carina around the same time. Our husbands planned and made reservations for us to go to Triple Play in Coeur d'alene, ID. Jaime never told me where we were going until we were in the car on our way.

I plan to go pro someday!

I loved hanging out and visiting with Carina.
(I miss you)

The guys rode the go karts multiple times.

Look at them race around the track! Go Jaime go! (he did come in first on this race.)
I enjoyed the go karts too but I need to grow a couple inches so that I don't get a cramp in my hamstring trying to press on the gas pedal so long.
Then I'll be more competition.

Grandma Morales and Aunt Bel stayed with our kids. It was so kind of them to do so. Olivia asked Jaime when we will be leaving again so they can have Grandma and Bel stay with them again. I guess I'd say that too if I was as spoiled as them. You should have seen the loot they got. :)
Diana was so kind to pick up an ice cream cake for me. I had forgotten that cake and birthdays go together and wasn't expecting a cake. It was sweet to have it.

So I am no longer a spry twenty-some year old.
I'm a spry thirty year old!
And I feel great. :)


  1. That Was such a fun trip! Thank goodness for loving family that helped make it possible, And make your birthday even better. Thirty and still lookn' dang good! ;)

  2. Happy, Happy Birthday Lisa! You look awesome for being 30!!


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